Here are some embarrassing things I've done related to programming...
- I was tired and forgot that the For / Next loop in java is a 'while the variable' type of loop and not a 'until the variable' loop. I spent more than an hour debugging this when a nap would have resulted in finding the problem immediately. Sometimes a rested mind is more important than plugging away at a problem that I know should be easy to find.
- Not backing up something and losing some work. I seem to have to relearn this every couple of years.
- Forgetting to copy a file to the Assets folder and wondering why my change was not working. I took a break for dinner and realized the problem in mid-chew.
- Forgetting the format of some simple code statement. That's why I have reference books close by. A waste is a terrible thing to mind.
- Trying to show someone the results of hours of coding when they couldn't care less.
- Trying to explain to a non-programmer the cool piece of code I've written and how it blah, blah, blah. They don't care.
- Telling my wife it's done, finished, complete. And then finding a bug when I'm proudly showing it to her. Arrrrg!
- Spent 5 hours re-installing Eclipse, the Android SDK, and a bunch of drivers, and finally discovering that a recent upgrade to my phone tuned off Developer Mode and the USB access between the phone and my computer. This is something to check if it appears Eclipse can't find your phone through the USB connection.