Ants vs Ants (last updated March, 2014)
This is my first Android App! The purpose of creating this App was to learn about how to make this type of game and what it takes to put it on the Google Play Store.
I started this in January 2014 and, working weekends and some evenings, I published an alpha-version in March. This game is based on the simple code framework in the book, Beginning Android Games.
Here are some sample screens...
I started this in January 2014 and, working weekends and some evenings, I published an alpha-version in March. This game is based on the simple code framework in the book, Beginning Android Games.
Here are some sample screens...
What I learned from this project...
- Coding is just a small part of making an App. The artwork is a key component of an App and it takes a lot of work to create decent looking artwork.
- Writing an App is one thing. Preparing the App for different form factors and resolutions is a whole job in itself.
The Original Game using the Game Framework
Both Ants vs. Ants and Dots vs. Dots used the game framework from this game:
Looks a little different, doesn't it?